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- From: brianf@iinet.net.au (Brian Fletcher)
- Newsgroups: alt.paranormal,alt.paranet.psi.alt.out.of.body,alt.paranet.ufo,sci.skeptic
- Date: 7 Jul 1996 16:05:16 GMT
- Organization: aussie.com.au
- Lines: 33
- Message-ID: <4ron7s$3qh@opera.iinet.net.au>
- References: <4qbtor$i08@dfw-ixnews6.ix.netcom.com>
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- X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.99.3
- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.paranormal:21026 alt.paranet.ufo:56038 sci.skeptic:77790
- >
- .. I
- >ahve no desire to prove the existence of ESP to others, but rather to
- >explore the sitautions in which it is most likely and for some types of
- >powers to see if they can be controlled and to do it with and open mind
- >to
- >possibilities.
- >
- >The best way to make this an effective group is to stop cross-posting.
- >
- >As for me I have news filters that filter out any news with the string
- >"skeptic" in the newsgroup name.
- >
- >If I wanted to debate proof I would go to sci.skeptic.
- >
- >
- >
- >Steve
- >
- >--
- Well said Steve.My observations over twenty years of "formal" spiritual
- training illustrates that the receptivity to metaphysical and paranormal
- experiences is inversly proportional to the need to prove their
- existance.Similarly,to acheive the highest status in a marshal art one has
- to have already defeated the ego;the desire to influence others with your
- power.
- I`m new to the internet,but I feel comfortable posting a few viewpoints to
- the skeptics.After all,they are only trying to find Truth;'masters' in
- training.
- >
- >